Noveliss Site Redesign

Noveliss Site Redesign View Live Site

My Redesign of Noveliss’ Website

Who is Noveliss

Noveliss is a rapper that I listen to frequently. He was influenced by rappers such as Black Thought, MF DOOM, and Nas, and animes such as Dragonball Z, Naruto, and Cowboy Bebop. If you enjoy rap, I highly reccomend his album Cerebral Apex.

Why did I recreate his site?

In high school, I had a project where I needed to remake a website for an artist or company and I chose Noveliss. For that project, I was really over-ambitious and tried to build a massive site using React without really understanding JavaScript to begin with. This project was made one year later to see how much I have improved my web development skills since.

What did I use?

For my original attempt, I tried to use React, but I scrapped it and decided to just use vanilla HTML and CSS. This time I decided to use Next.js, which is a meta-framework based on React that adds things like file-based routing and SSR support. For styling I used SCSS because I like CSS but want extra features like nesting.

How did this turn out?

I believe this site turned out pretty well, considering I am not the best at web design. I do need to work on organizing my files better though, as it was kind of complecated to change things near the end of the project.

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