Tic Tac Toe with Svelte
With this project I decided to make the game Tic Tac Toe using the Svelte JavaScript Framework in a single day.
Why Svelte?
I decided to use Svelte because Svelte is a very simple framework, compared to things like Angular and React. Since Svelte is a compiled framework, the actual code you write ends up being simpler since all the complexity of managing state can be handled by the compiler.
Why Tic Tac Toe?
I decided to make Tic Tac Toe because it’s a very simple game that everyone is familier with, so if I ran into any troubles, I could just look at other people’s versions of the game. I wanted to see how much of this I could do without looking up anything though.
Why a single day?
I wanted to build it in a single day because I thought the challenge would be fun. I also wanted to see how Svelte works for making simple games like this or Hangman.
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